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In all, if more pressure is put on raising fertility rates, the life expectancy rates would automatically go up naturally as the ageing population’s most basic emotional support, their immediate descendants and family are close to them and support them.Population ageing, like terrorism and financial stability, is soon to become a priority among global institutions and national governments. Its impacts are just getting ready to be reflected globally.
The primary causes of population ageing are claimed to be declining fertility rates and rise in life expectancy of the existing. Declining fertility rates are more or less of our own making, since a lifestyle based on unhealthy food and drinks, sedentariness, lack of exercise and physical fitness, and deteriorating air and water quality have contributed more to infertility than any medical reasons. The capitalist market structure promoted by the US, albeit in ignorance, promotes such unhealthy foods and drinks globally, which goes unchecked because of the capital investments they bring with them. Low marriage rates, late marriages have also somewhat contributed to less childbearing.
Life expectancy is growing slowly, thanks to accessibility to healthcare for dangerous diseases. The impacts, social, political, and economic, are severe if population ageing is not repressed. There can be financial implications, destruction of social structures, lack of motivation to continue living, etc. The government could introduce mandatory marriage counselling encouraging marriages before or during reproductive years, increase healthcare spends and innovate medications to eradicate infertility. Social spending must be increased to cover all aged population, and mandatory physical fitness and exercising policies must be introduced globally. WHO could curb the thriving of unhealthy foods and drinks with immediate effect. Overall, if the fertility rates are raised significantly, the life expectancy could automatically escalate. Political will remains the key.


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