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Global cultures and local cultures are present. The understanding presented in development theories and research works are indeed supportive of the real clear differentiations on the cultures. Global culture is indeed different from local culture when one assesses the definitions on the same. However, do these theory level distinctions still hold in current life? A level of interconnection between local and global cultures has made the world more reliant. The homogenization of those spaces would be helpful for people. People would not worry about tolerating differences as they are part of the connected culture.
Better collaborative working, better understanding of common problems like climate control, and better solution formulations are possible. Therefore, to answer the question of whether the dichotomy of local/global rendered obsolete in today’s connected world, it can be argued that such a dichotomy has become less obvious. In time this would not matter if the world decides to act pursuing the homogenized space. Growth of a nation must be associated with its wellbeing. Therefore, what happens in the case of GDP implied growth of the nation is that it is possible for the nation to only assess its market transactions and monetary movement with growth.
The nation might not be able to assess hidden costs and growth adverse effects. For instance, hidden costs such as social costs, environmental costs and more are seen to be present. A GDP form of understanding is driven by spenders and buyers. The consumerist society has driven this notion. This will only contribute towards percentage increase in GDP but will not have an impact on sustainability or environment improvement. Almost all countries after the Second World War have been focused on promoting an increase GDP as a policy goal. Environmental and social effects have taken a backseat. Although a global culture has been created around consumerism and GDP, it is now important to also assess for environmental effects and more. This is necessary to improve human wellbeing and lead their development in a more holistic way.

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