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美国 essay 代 写-产品价值的参考来源

本文是讲产品价值的参考来源,购买者内在价值的另一个来源是参考,它的使用可以影响组织中消费者的决定,因为它为供应商产生了一定的市场资产价值,如声誉和公司的品牌地位。提供者使用等措施去引导客户,处理一系列活跃客户和成功案例(那̈nberger,考夫曼和韦伯,2013)。它既可以提高可信度,也可以降低买方实现潜在目标的风险意识。内部关系被视为声誉的来源。它们具有某些特征,这些特征可能导致不同利益相关者以各种形式的积极行为。本篇美国 essay 代 写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The other source of the buyer’s intrinsic value is references, and the use of it can influence the decision of consumers in an organization as it generates a certain value of market assets for its suppliers, such as reputation and company brand position. The providers use many steps such as the visit to lead customers, processing a list of active customers and successful cases (Schönberger, Kaufmann and Weber, 2013). It can either enhance the credibility or reduce the awareness of the risk of a buyer to achieve a potential target. The internal relationships are made to observe as the sources of reputation. They have certain features which may lead the positive behaviour in various forms on the part of different stakeholders.
Different types of stakeholders are such as loyalty, advocacy, also plays a significant part in the supplier’s value, and making decision in the procurement processes that could be the good indicator of the fundamental value of the supplier. The buyer recognizes the tangible or intangible features as differentiators. Hence, a supplier should compare its analysis and scope in the market. These features influence the customer’s choice. The four identified characteristics of the value are, reliability and technological features, reliability in the dimension of distribution, expertise in the aspect of supporting services and the status and status of the supplier’s profile.
As the buyer require new product development, the characteristics will be successfully utilizable that still have been experimented. The benefits of it are economic, resources, behaviour and potential of the relationships.The economic aspects are such as cost and delivery; the behaviour parts are such as common history and trust, communication, etc. The resources parts are such as product portfolio and innovation capabilities (Sharma and Joshi, 2008). The potential parts are to lead to a larger value network –bridging such as geographical presence and the position in the value network.


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