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There are 3 distinct recommendations that can be offered to BT in order for the company to ensure long term sustainability. The first recommendation is to take into consideration economic and political aspects which provide essential analysis to support the utilization of technologies. BT, therefore, needs to keep a stronger focus on social perspectives as this has a relationship with new products qualitative and quantitative analysis that rather would locate for the preference of customers (Pitcher 2004). With other aspects, another factor of consideration is technology as it plays an essential role across the telecommunications sector wherein BT requires being updated and well-versed with all forms of technologies.
Secondly, BT is known for downsizing its employees and this can be overcome through transitioning into network for newer companys in the nearing years expected to end by 2020. The provision of service that BT delivers is lower effective and can be improvised through new IT solutions of interface and networking quality (Porter 1985). Through contracts and expansion strategies utilized, the company can pair up with international groups. This will allow the company to rejuvenate itself and reorient itself.
Another recommendation is for the company to be present in a competitive environment with other BT competitors, but excels by adding more diversified services to its product and services range. The efficiency to handle the normal complaints needs to be enhanced to higher aspects of quality. It needs to therefore develop and start newer methods of development to promote cheap voice based calling and increase the strategies in businesses (Hill et al 2014). The company further needs to properly plan and then executes systematic conditions at work for the employees along with focusing over work based standards that help in regaining active participation of employees. This would also include maintaining good relationship with political analysts and showing collaborative efforts as part of its CSR strategy.


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