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本文讲的是人类感官与建筑的关联,感官在人类和建筑中扮演着重要的角色。五种感官的空间探索是非常有趣的。建筑空间的创造是为了在人与建筑之间建立联系。这种交互作用是通过感官和机械工具收集原始信息而产生的。在建筑中使用感官并不是一种新技术(Pallasmaa, 2011)。人类有五种感官:视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉。所有的感官共同作用,形成空间的形象和感知。人类对建筑的感知以不同的形式被创造出来。本篇代写被抓文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Senses play an important role in humans and architecture. The spatial exploration can be very interesting with five human senses. The interative architectural places are created in order to create connection between people and buildings. The interation is created by gathering ditial information through senses and mechanical tools. The use of senses in architecture is not a new technique (Pallasmaa, 2011). There are five kinds of human senses: vision, hearning, touch, smell and taste. All the senses work together to form the image of the space and perception of it. The human perception about the buildings is created in different forms.
The sense of vision is considered as the most vital sense. The sight or vision helps the person to understand the distance, depth and space of a place. According to Neufert, “By tracking image, eye receives its effects. Elements with similar or repeated distances are known by eyes as beats or rhythms that receiving them is similar to receiving the sound from music by ear; Architecture is frigid music.” (Neufert, Neufert, and Kister, 2012). The sense of hearning is also important in creating the three dimensional image of a building or space. While understanding the significance of silence, it would be bad to select a room designed to proide total silence. However, spending time in an anechoic chamber can create a clear perception of the sounds that are heard before.
In the same way, the sense of touch, smell and taste are also effective in creating a perception about an architectural space. The humans have the ability to remind and percept the environment through the concious and unconsious senses. The essay has explored all five sense so as to understand the role of senses for making better perceptions of the environment. For the people with sight, the sense of vision is the most important one. However, for the blind people, the sense of hearing, touch and smell are very important. Building spaces according to the sensory perception of the humans can help in making more efficient and appealing buildings. Thus, senses play an important role in spatial exploration. The architexture could be redefined with intaracive of five human senses.


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