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The prevalent characteristics of romantic music included the presence of chromaticism, enriched harmonies and more soulful melodies and the richer sound of the piano. The nature of music got variegated during that period such as programme music and incidental music. In addition to that, suites were developed which compiled much incidental music together. Art started to dissolve its demarcation for literature, music, and painting. Texts, plots, and visuals were incorporated into the music. The double expositions were reduced to single exposition in the concerto and the number of movements was not fixed to the different composers. Beethoven is considered as the major precursor of romantic music. He bridges the conceptual gap between classical and romantic approach in music. Apart from that, this period is known for the rise of Wagner who composed numerous operas on romantic themes. The nations that prevailed during the prevalence of romantic music era were Russia, Germany, Spain and Norway.
The Violin Concerto No. 2 in D minor was composed in 1862 and it was premiered in 1875. Compared to this composition, Wieniawski’s the Violin Concerto No. 1 in F sharp major was considered much more difficult. The Violin Concerto No. 2 was much simpler to connect with the audience. Interestingly, Wieniawski dedicated Concerto no. 2 which was in D minor, Op. 22 to his contemporary renowned violinist Pablo de Sarasate. However, later on, they became rivals of each other in terms of commercial success. It should be noted that both Sarasate and Wieniawski were the remarkable violinists and they filled the vacuum which was created after the demise of Vieuxtemps. By that time, the composition of a virtuoso concerto became common and easy if the composer was one of the key instrumentalists. Wieniawski extensively explored the technical aspects of the concerto and dazzled the audience by making the melody sweeter and more fluid.


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