美国论文代写 论文代写

論文 代寫-如何促進學生學習

文章主要講述的是如何促進學生學習,除學習方式外,學習者還可能因情感和行為障礙、注意缺陷障礙、行為障礙、言語和語言問題、語言不流利等原因而存在不同的需求領域。在孩子麵臨困難的情況下,教師應該為學生製定包容性的教學計劃。差異化的教學形式有助於包容性教學(Morgan, 2014)。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Other than the learning styles, different areas of needs could exist for the learners based on emotional and behavioral difficulties, or attention deficit disorders, or conduct disorders, speech and language issues, lack in fluency etc. In such contexts where the child faces difficulties, the instructor should plan for inclusive teaching plans for the students. Differentiated instruction forms would help in inclusive teaching (Morgan, 2014).
This would make sure that all learners have access to the education without any barrier in learning, no inferiority or no inequality. The student who needs the special assistance feels much more comfortable as they feel a sense of belonging in the study environment. The learner would feel more accepted in spite of there being some unique differences that set them apart from other learners in the learning environment.
A student-student interactive environment must be facilitated by the instructor in the classroom. The significance of such a collaborative learning environment was first highlighted by the Russian teacher and psychologist Vygotsky. Vygotsky in his works was able to show that the social environment will have a strong influence on the learning process (Vygotsky, 1978). In fact, learning takes please in the social environment only when there are strong interactions between the students, between the student and teacher and other professionals in the learning environment.
The significance of collaborations in the study environment is that it enables students to critically discuss and then learn. They learn factors like critical discussions, debates, negotiations and team work. They also learn to communicate more effectively and listen more actively. Vygotsky’s argument is that language is the primary tool that promotes literacy and for better language development, the instructor must act as facilitator and set up the student environment for motivating students (Vygotsky, 1962).
Discussion based classrooms using Socratic dialogue forms can be encouraged. In addition, Guided and directed interactions should be planned by the instructor. This would help students to be more open toward collaborative tasks. Guided form of tasks will help students to emulate good practices for collaborative learning. Later, the guidance can be withdrawn and this would help student form social learning skills on themselves. It would also help create more inclusive learning, as students would learn to follow a good neighbor approach and help one another in their learning.

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