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With regards to the consumer decision making, there can be several perspectives on a number of key dimensions. Some consumer gives emphasis more on value than price while purchasing a food item from the market. This type of decision involves risk and uncertainty because of the unknown or negative results. The “cue utilization theory” is generally applied in this case, such as banners, advertisements, brands which will help the customer to judge the product or quality of the service.
Cognitive judgment is also applied in the case when consumer compares other products or services before coming to a rational decision. Cognitive-affective relationship is a complex phenomenon and plays a major role in decision making. Quality and attitude is a significant indicator as this will minimize the possible risk of low quality product or services. The decision making has become more complex due to the emergence of technology. This complexity further aggravates the consumers’ preferences in selecting the products or services.
Many factors and characteristics influence the consumers in decision making process. It may be psychological factors, cultures, group members, reference groups, family, cultural trends and so on. The literature review focuses on different perceptions related to the decision making of the consumers. There have not been many attempts on combining several perspectives into a theoretical model (Zeithaml, 1988). Several researchers’ (Weber et al., 1998) views have been reflected with respect to the decision making’s multiple modes used by the consumers.


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