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論文 代寫 價格-企業社會責任在招聘中的作用

本文主要講企業社會責任在招聘中的作用,無論招聘方法的選擇,它不僅要幫助確保最好的技能可以被吸引在盡可能最低的成本和時間,但願景、使命、目標、道德、文化,甚至法律需要實現看,以確保他們一樣合適可以(Lozano et al ., 2016)。因此,招聘過程和戰略需要與組織的業務戰略相兼容。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Whatever the recruitment method choice, it should not only help in ensuring that the best skills available are attracted at cost and time as minimum as possible but the vision, mission, objectives, ethics, culture and even statutes need to be implemented and looked upon to ensure they are as appropriate as can be (Lozano et al., 2016). Therefore the processes to recruit and strategies need to be compatible with the business strategies of organizations.
It is imperative for organizations, for recruitment to be successful and exercise of selection is probable, to have the ability of attracting correct skills for filling the positions that are vacant. When attracting and retention of good skills is done with regard to an organization it results in offering good competitive benefit. This is due to the fact that organizations attracting more applicants of qualified nature have a major pool of applicants resulting in more utility of the selection system of organizations and a competitive benefit potentially.
As per the evidence across literature review, CSR activities of an organization influence its ability for attracting and retaining required human resources. In a research conducted by Turban et al, (2000), it was discussed that theories of signalling as well as social identity are positively related to reputation of organizations and henceforth prove to be attractive for those seeking jobs. They further conclude in their research that CSR helps in providing competitive benefit to attract applicants. They depicted that prospective applicants of job have more likeliness of pursuing jobs from firms that are socially responsible than the firms with poor records for social responsibility (Peloza, J., Ye, C. and Montford, W. J., 2015).
According to Bachhaus, et al, (2011), it is essential to acknowledge the significance of CSP through the perception of job seekers and explore the influence of CSR dimensions over attractiveness in organizations. Using the theory of signalling and the theory of social identity, the authors looked at hypothesizing differences in influence of data of CSR over employer attractiveness ratings. They further found that community relations, environment and dimensional diversity further have the major influence over ratings of attractiveness.
According to a study released in the year 2003, it was revealed that organizations that are regarded as socially responsibility have a competitive benefit when it comes to top recruits attraction. Stanford University researchers and researchers from Santa Barbara and California University surveyed students from MBA courses across 11 leading business schools of U.S and Europe. It was found by them that 94 percent are the ones accepting low salary with a 14 percent average to work for an organization that has a reputation of being friendly towards the environment, care over employees and care about external shareholders such as communities.

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