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Another implication for social and cultural effects are that modern globalization as created in the case of the post WW2 epoch was seen to have its roots in capitalism as well. In modern societies globalization was understood to be the logic behind accumulation of reserves, money and in the power play of hegemony. All forms of globalization initiatives in modern society were hence seen to be driven by capital accumulation. The appropriation and production of spaces, social structures that were alienated from some productions and more were seen to be direct results here.
The positive implications for society and their culture exist and so do the negatives. For instance, consider the arguments presented by Tomlinson, in the ‘Globalization and Culture’. The author argues for Globalization being a form of complex connectivity process in which there are transnational networks created as a social movement. Interconnections, networks and flows are some of the terms also being used in the context of cultural and anthropological accounts. So globalization studies merge with cultural and social studies here having implications for both.
Primarily, globalization would result in the connectivity and proximity. People come to live in a shrinking world where the global modernity makes everybody’s world more connected than ever. In the case of the post war period, the shrinking world effect was achieved by means of technologies in the form of support for economic production. Factories that were working for producing goods necessary for war were able to switch back to producing consumer goods after WW2. Soldiers were returning after the war, which meant more manpower for the country and also increased the economic prosperity of the countries. Automobiles came to be in high demand as soldiers returning to take up their place in society could afford them now and automobile technology grew to support this consumer section.
Technology associated with housing and housing development was perhaps one of the most used as most of the soldiers returned after the world war to rebuild their home or move into new houses. The land in suburbs and more came to be utilized; most of these tracts were divided and were built in similar models for the people to live in. Radios, movies and television came to be consumed as cultural and social products and countries such as the United States in particular were seen to rely on motivating a consumerist culture in other countries. Long distance telephony and the television based national and international connections ensured that countries such as the United States were able to take advantage of market based propaganda for goods. However, this post world war era, the use of technology and more was not only about the super powers.


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