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本文講述的是佛教與基督教本質的不同,根據佛教信仰,不變的是變化。人類存在的最後一個標誌是“阿納特曼”,指的是沒有靈魂或沒有自我。這一概念與基督教的觀點完全不同,基督教認為個體是永恆的存在,會被看到天堂,並成為不朽的。佛教認為“沒有經驗證據支持個體、私人、獨立的靈魂或自身的觀點”(Brannigan, 2007)。佛教的自我是一種不斷變化的身心力量。基督教認為上帝和個人之間有聯繫。它們相互依賴,形成了一種強有力的關係(Pope, 2007)。在他們看來,世上所有的事物都是次要的,他們被造出來是為了使靈魂順服神。本篇代寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

According to Buddhist belief, the thing which is constant is change. The final sign of human existence is ‘Anatman’ which refers to no soul or no-self. This concept is completely different from the view of Christianity, which says the individuals are permanent beings and will be seen to heaven and will become immortal. Buddhism states that “there is no empirical evidence to support the idea of an individual, private, independent soul or itself” (Brannigan, 2007). The Buddhist self is a changing physical and mental forces. Christianity refers that there is connection between God and individuals. They are interdependent to form a strong relationship between each other (Pope, 2007). According to them all the things on the earth are secondary and they are made to be used to achieve submission of soul to God.
While the Buddhist belief says that all the things on the earth are interconnected and there is cause and effect of everything. This standpoint elucidates that the Buddhist approach is towards duty and dedication to all things in natural world either living or non-living objects (Voyce, 2015). This contradicts with the Christian approach of the eccentricity concept of the self and the accomplishment of personal connection to God’s grace.
According to the Buddha, the religion should be separated from authority and every individual is responsible for their lives. The religion of Christianity is based on the belief that God has authority over everything. Jesus Christ is the God and has authority over every living and non-living things. Buddha said the religion should be devoid of practices and rituals, while Christianity is heavily based on rituals and traditions (communion and baptism).
Buddha always rejected the use of theories and assumptions in matters of such fundamentals as whether the world was eternal or not. It should not be assumed that the world is infinite or finite, or what is there after death. The Christian faith is largely based on the concept of external God and they believe that God has answers about life and deaths. They also believe that after death people are judged according to their life and are sent to hell or heaven. Buddhism spoke about the religion being free from all the traditions as the traditions may lead to sufferings, while Christianity says that traditions should be followed as they bind the members of the same faith together. Thus the two world religions are different from each other on the basis o their beliefs and values.


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