


电子商务在中国正逐渐形成势头。企业对电子商务的重视和政府的支持,使我国电子商务得到了长足的发展。随着互联网用户数量的增长,中国各地的电子商务也在增长。研究表明,不仅企业对企业(B2B),而且企业对客户(B2C)模式正在蓬勃发展,并在整个市场上变得越来越突出。因此,本文的研究重点是探索中国电子商务的发展。有许多电子商务平台、搜索引擎、电子商务应用程序和网站,选择一个在中国最受欢迎的应用程序是至关重要的。微信是目前中国最受欢迎的应用程序,因为这个应用程序将被分析和讨论(克劳奇)。中国经济市场已经遇到了快速增长和趋势形成的环境。微信得到了越来越多的关注,因为人们意识到这个应用程序不仅方便了类似于许多其他应用程序的消息传递,而且它开发了一个平台,可以进行在线购物。这导致微信成为社交媒体的破坏者(Lien et al. 104-111)。本研究论文将采用可靠可靠的电子图书、数据库和期刊文章等。需要考虑的是,尽管电子商务在中国已经有了长足的发展,但仍处于起步阶段。了解微信app的发展方式对于了解中国电子商务的整体发展是至关重要的。由于组织已经开始遵循微信的策略,调查这个组织将提供最大的洞察力(Morketing)。研究论文的陈述是,随着微信对电子商务进行了革命性的变革,并为基于微信的商业模式的修改塑造了未来的方向,中国的电子商务已经有了长足的发展。


The e-commerce is gradually getting the momentum within the China. The focus of the corporates on the e-commerce and support from the government has led to the considerable development of e-commerce in China. The e-commerce across China is growing as the number of internet users grow. It is identified that not only business to business (B2B) but also the business to customers (B2C) models are flourishing and becoming prominent across the market. Therefore, the focus of this research paper is to explore the e-commerce development in China. There are a number of e-commerce platforms, search engines, e-commerce applications and websites that selecting one of the most popular app utilized in China is critical. WeChat is the most popular app across China presently due to which this app will be analyzed and discussed (Crouch). The economic market of China has encountered rapid growth and trend setting environment. The WeChat gained the increased amount of attention as the people realized that this application not only facilitates the messaging similar to the many other apps but also it developed a platform where online shopping can be conducted. This resulted in WeChat to become a social media disrupter (Lien et al. 104-111). This research paper will use the reliable and credible e-books, database and journal articles among more. It is to consider that the e-commerce is still in the initial phases across China even through there has been substantial development. The manner in which WeChat app has made developments will be critical to understand for the purpose of understanding of overall development of e-commerce in China. Since the organizations have started to follow the strategies of WeChat, investigating this organization will provide with the maximum insight (Morketing). The research thesis statement is that the e-commerce of China has considerably developed as WeChat has revolutionized e-commerce and shaped the future direction for the business model modifications based on the WeChat.

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