
论文 代写-商业报告

论文 代写-商业报告

现金净出口与净出口之间存在显著的相关关系,两者相互影响。在澳大利亚和新西兰,银行利率被称为案例利率或官方现金利率。它是各国央行对该国商业银行的长期贷款收取的利率。汇率对贸易逆差或顺差有很大的影响,而贸易逆差或顺差又反过来影响汇率(Larrabee and Voss, 2013)。疲软的国内货币被用来刺激出口。当国内货币被指出比外币弱时,出口商就能获得更多的利润。这背后的原因是,在这种情况下,出口商通过兑换外币来获得本国货币。另一方面,在这种情况下,进口商必须蒙受损失,因为进口变得昂贵,他们必须提供国内货币购买外币。

图:澳大利亚GDP,资料来源:(Larrabee and Voss, 2013)

另一种情况是,当本币强于外币时,另一种情况的发生可能是显而易见的。例如,出口商过去通过兑换外币获得较少的国内货币,因此,它阻碍了出口,使进口更便宜。在利率提高的时候,人们习惯于存钱而不是投资(Lederman and Maloney, 2012)。此时,国内货币被用来以更昂贵的方式增加国内出口。因此,进口变得更便宜,可以说明进口随着国家出口的减少而增加。当中央银行提高综合利率时,商业银行降低了对客户的利息,客户在银行投资而不是储蓄。

论文 代写-商业报告

There is a significant relation between the cash and net export and both of them are influenced by each other. In Australia and New Zealand, the bank rate is referred as the case rate or official cash rate. It is the banks’ rate of interest which the central bank of the nations’ charge on the long term loan to the commercial bank of the country. The exchange rate has a substantial impact on the trade deficit or surplus which in turn effects on the exchange rate (Larrabee and Voss, 2013). The weak domestic currency is used to stimulate the exports. When the domestic currency is indicated to be weaker than the foreign currency, then the exporters make more profit. The reason behind this is that the exporters, in this case, get a domestic currency by exchanging the foreign currency. On the other hand, in this case, the importers have to incur a loss because the import becomes expensive and they have to provide domestic money for buying the foreign currency.

Figure: Australian GDP, Source: (Larrabee and Voss, 2013)

Alternatively, at the time when the domestic currency is stronger than the foreign currency, the alternative incidence can be evident. For example, the exporters used to get a lesser amount of domestic currency on exchanging the foreign currency and hence, it hampers the exports and it makes the import cheaper. At the time the interest rate increase, people are used to saving money instead of investing money (Lederman and Maloney, 2012). At this time, the domestic currency is used to increase the export within the country in a more expensive way. Due to this, the import becomes cheaper and the import can be illustrated to be increasing with decreasing the export for the country. When the central bank increases the integrated rate, the commercial bank reduces their interest for the customers and the customer would invest rather than save money in the bank.

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