


該公司在分析中考慮的只是能源。Simply Energy從2005年開始運營,旨在爲澳大利亞的家庭和企業提供能源。從一個能源公司,簡單的能源現在已經成爲一個更可持續的能源生產部門在該國,因爲該公司的方式納入了技術和其他支持系統。該公司由全球能源公司ENGIE和三井物產株式會社(Mitsui & Co.)共同擁有。這使得該公司在國際技術方面也得到了很多支持。該公司還與該領域的其他公司合作,爲其能源客戶和直接消費者提供最優的質量體驗。


Fettweis和Zimmermann(2008)等人的研究報告《ICT能源消費趨勢與挑戰》(ICT energy消耗率-trends and challenges)表明,在過去幾十年裏,這些社會的石油儲量正在枯竭。世界各地的經濟越來越依賴石油。正因爲如此,有必要尋找能夠有效地解決這些問題的新能源,有必要把重點放在能源上,以滿足社會人民的需要。這不能通過使用石油儲備來實現。不同形式的能源有太陽能、風能和地熱能。這些有助於減少依賴性。這使得這些國家擁有更高的能源儲備,能夠以更低的成本向人民提供能源。從這個過程中可以獲得許多切實的好處。隨後,可以更好地發展其他領域的技術。在社會上,遠離化石燃料可以減少環境污染。由於所有這些因素,人們喜歡有不同形式的能源來滿足他們的需要。由於這些原因,人們甚至可能更喜歡那些既能提供可持續服務又價格合理的選擇。



The company considered in the analysis is Simply Energy. Simply Energy has been operation from 2005 and works with the purpose of providing energy to homes and businesses in Australia. From just an energy company, Simply Energy has now become one of the more sustainable sectors of energy production in the country because of the way the company has incorporated technology and other support systems. The company is co-owned by a global energy company ENGIE and Mitsui & Co. This enables the company to have much support in the form of international technologies as well. The company also partners up with other companies in the sector to present the most optimal quality experience for its energy clients and direct consumers.

1.1. Research Background

Research studies such as that of Fettweis, and Zimmermann, (2008) titled ‘ICT energy consumption-trends and challenges’, indicates that in the past few decades, there is depletion of oil reserves in the societies. There has been more and more dependent on oil in the economies around the world. Owing to this, there is a need for newer energy sources that can effectively combat these issues There is a need to focus on energy sources to the quench the needs of the people in the societies. This cannot be achieved by using oil reserves. The different forms of energy are solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy. These help in reducing of dependencies. This enables the countries to have higher energy reserves and can supply to the people at a lower cost. There are many tangible benefits that can be garnered from this process. Subsequently, there can be better development of other areas in technology. There is reduction of environmental pollution from shutting away from the fossil fuels in the society. Owing to all these factors, people like to have different forms of energy resources to cater to their needs. Because of these reasons, people might even prefer those options which offer both sustainable service and also reasonable pricing.

In this context, studies on different energy providers (gas electricity) in Australia, as conducted by Vine, (2005) in the study ‘An international survey of the energy service company (ESCO) industry’ shows that the energy providers a very broad category and this encompasses production and sale of energy, which includes the extraction of fuel, manufacturing, refining of the raw material, supply chain systems and distribution of the products. In the modern societies, there is a requirement for large volumes of energy in this scenario and there is a need for the companies to be classified based on sector. Petroleum industry, gas industry, power industry, coal industry, nuclear power industry. Again this can be classified in to conventional energy sources and renewable energy sources. There are many energy companies in Australia. These can be classified into electric power company distributors, hydro power centres, renewable energy resources and electric power transmission system centres of Australia. There are a number of companies that have been developed in accordance with these energy systems and technologies in the country. Some of the companies in Australia are Simply Energy, Australian Gas and Light company, Delta electricity, Pacific Power, pacific hydro, Tarong energy, Horizon power, etc. Given this context of multiple energy providers and the problem of energy costs and sustainability, the research will focus on how Simply Energy will meet the needs of customers.

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