


公司的优势在于为高级定制品牌消费者提供定制化的体验。他们能够通过了解目标市场人口结构的核心需求而获得赞助。这些公司面临的外部威胁是来自其他品牌的竞争和新产品的进入。此外,该品牌还面临着先天不足。有一个品牌名称扩散的问题,这是由于多元化而产生的,是公司当前应该解决的问题(Kotler et al., 2015)。该公司的机会领域是开发一个能够满足当前需求的品牌,并开发一个能够增加公司消费者基础的战略。该公司的主要竞争优势是其高级时装系列。公司应该使用这种技术,在不降低服务质量和可交付成果的前提下,扩大消费者群体。


公司目前的营销策略已确定处于成熟阶段。ES品牌在过去很大程度上依赖于产品线的专业知识。尽管目前产品的销售状态已经接近饱和,但是ready to wear产品线的产品生命周期似乎处于公司的成长阶段(Kotler et al., 2015)。据估计,这种产品的销量在未来将会增加。



Strength of the company is the customized experience it provides to the Haute Couture brand consumers. They have been able to garner patronage by understanding the core requirements of this target market demography. The external threats that the companies face are competition from the other brands and new entry of products. There is also the innate weakness that the brand faces. There is the issue of the brand name diffusion that arises from diversification that the company should address in the current time (Kotler et al., 2015). The areas of opportunities for the company are to develop a brand that would suffice the needs of the current requirements and develop a strategy which would increase the consumer base of the company. The main competitive advantage of the company is its Haute Couture line. The company should use this technique to reach out to a larger consumer base without lowering the quality of services and the deliverables.


The current marketing strategy of the company is determined to be in its maturity stage. ES brand in the past greatly relied on the expertise in the product line. Nevertheless the sales state that the current product is reaching its saturation point, the product life cycle of the ready to wear lines seems to be in the growth stage of the company (Kotler et al., 2015). It is estimated that the sales for this product category will increase in the future.

The company has developed an eclectic consumer base owing to its differentiation strategy. It had initially focused on delivering Haute Couture lines to the wealthy consumers in the society. It has then increased the customer base by launching the affordable line. Strategic orientation behind this design is to gain more consumer patronage and increase sales of the product. It was estimated that there would be greater turnover and higher return on the investments.

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