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It is observed that both Blackberry and Apple have indeed focused on many types of innovations and strategies. Blackberry has relied on a chronology of breakthrough innovations, core innovations and slightly incremental innovations (in that order). On the other hand, Apple has focused on a chronology starting with formal and breakthrough innovations, and then the classic incremental innovations and finally are at the periphery of radical innovations. The competitive innovations strategy of apple is indeed more successful than Blackberry as has been observed in the current market situation.


Blackberry in innovation management has not considered many strategic options or alternatives, and have focused on being lesser pragmatists with lesser vision of what consumer need and this has led them to a market downfall. The future of mobile solutions and innovations is presented above. Somewhere in the expectation end, the smart workforce, the use of smart robots, bio-printing services, IoT services and more come into the picture. These are innovation triggers and it is based on how mobile solution providers deal with these innovation triggers that they can successes.

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