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据报道,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的一篇文章中引述道,“人们不知道自己想要什么,除非你把它展示给他们”(Levin, 2014, para)。6)在另一篇文章中,苹果员工曾说过,“我们不会浪费时间去问用户,我们通过创造人们会喜欢的伟大产品来建立我们的品牌”(Levin, 2014, para)。这表明,苹果依赖于向客户展示他们会喜欢的有意义的创新。



On the other hand, Apple operator is able to innovate in both the meaning and technology axis. Firstly, Apple introduces many products and services over the years that have a transformative effect on people as they relate to technologies. The Macintosh, the iPad, the iPhone and the iTunes change the way people connected. The classic user centered approach is traded off and instead users are presented newer ways of using products and services. This could have been a threat to development or a positive point, fortunately for Apple, its years of research on users and technology development help it formulate a plan. It is able to present technology to users in newer ways that they are even not aware of.


Steve Jobs reportedly quotes in a Newsweek article that “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them” (Levin, 2014, para. 6). In yet another article, Apple employees are quoted as saying, “we don’t waste our time asking users, we build our brand through creating great products people will love” (Levin, 2014, para. 7). This shows Apple relies on showing introducing its customers to meaningful innovation that they would enjoy.
It has worked on improving RAM screen, processor speed, the use of the NFC chip etc. It is in fact the use of the NFC chip which suggests that Apple has moved on towards an incremental innovation from formal innovation management. NFC is present in many phones, and the technology had an early adoption rate of 13.2 percent. Now the adoption rate is in the ‘majority pragmatists’ phase and the percentage adoption is thirty-four. This adaption of Apple indicates Apple is improving its products and hence is in incremental innovation.

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