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中国幼儿组织对社交媒体渠道的研究兴趣背后有着多方面的深层次原因。如Bakshy et al.(2015)所断言的,社交媒体提供的内容是用户生成的,因此可以认为内容是由组织通过专门的内容团队或单个内容设计师生成的。此外,随着公民新闻的实时信息是由社会媒体推动的,因为它也使导航和绕过媒体渠道的垄断,并使经营,尽管有各种限制。儿童保健组织的经营者必须通过解决政治和立法方面的挑战来组成这些公司,并提供必要的即时信息。




There are varieties of underlying reasons behind the interest towards the social media outlets of the child care organizations in China for the research. As asserted by Bakshy et al. (2015), the social media outlets offers content that is user generated due to which it can be assumed that the content was generated by the organization through either a dedicated content team or through an individual content designer. Furthermore, the real time information along with the citizen journalism is facilitated by the social media as it also enables navigating and bypassing the monopolies of the media channels and enables operating despite of various limitations . It is essential for the operators of the child care organizations in forming the firms through resolving the political and legislative challenges and provides with the instant access to the information required.


This research is focused on examining the Chinese child care organizations’ websites, Facebook groups and pages. It is considered that various other communication methods such as newsletters, press releases and general informative texts can be undertaken. However, the press releases and newsletters in majority of the child care organizations were not present due to which undertaking the analysis of the social media content and websites will provide with the latest results with increased accuracy . The method of content analysis further provides easy access to the international researches as the online content of the organizations can be evaluated regardless of the organizational locations.


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