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The primary objective of NAFTA is to smoothen and improve the trade facilitation among the nations that are involved. It is evident that Canada has witnessed considerable benefits since the signing of the agreement due to the generation of enhanced trade. The Canadians are benefited by the NAFTA as the manufactured goods from Mexico can be transferred to United States and Canada without any duty that enables low cost.


Moreover, the additional advantage brought by NAFTA is the improved investments for Canada, particularly the foreign direct investment. This is due to the protection under the NAFTA and the low risk that is offers. Hence, both the foreign and domestic investors are allowed to leverage the same level of protection. The organization from Canada has also received the advantage from the scope of governmental contracts bidding across the United States and Mexico, due to which further opportunities are generated. Hence, it is viewed that the NAFTA not only enables job creation and improves the trade but also it attracts investments.

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