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The design of the program is found to be innovative. This implementation is found to depend on the governmental agencies. The SLCP is found to be top-down structured. The kinds of PES can be defined as hybrid governance. In the implementation process, the departments are observed to take charge of SLCP by the central government. State Forest Administration (SFA) is found to have created the overall tasks of the entire country and assigned the reforestation tasks that are based on the provincial governments by signing the liability agreements. The targeting of the areas is usually done using the top down structuring format.


The key reflection is found to depend on the defining principles of the PES. A voluntary transaction is used when the land use is likely to secure the ecosystem service that is bought. This when contrasted with the studies, the government is the only service buyer. This is found to be a hybrid program. This is found to be less voluntary when compared with the market-based programs.


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