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随着农业劳动力的转移,关键的预期是农场规模的扩大。在土地缺乏市场的情况下,就像中国和其他几个经济体一样,可以通过租用土地使用权或提供更普遍使用的服务来达到这种效果。土地整理有明确的限度,不能否认土地流转是由于农民对补贴可及性和社会保障可及性的关注而产生的。关键的结果将包括在兼职农民中增加优势。这些方法包括使用肥料和水等投入物或采用新技术的管理方法(Mansourian, 2011)。




As there is a shift in labor across agriculture, the key expectation is in increased sizes of farms. In the lack of market across land, as in the case of China and other several economies, there can be achievement of this effect either by renting the right for utilizing land or by providing services that are used more commonly. With a specific limit of land consolidation set, there is no denial that land transitions are impeded to rise out of farmer concern regarding the accessibility of subsidies and accessibility of social security. The key consequences will be inclusive of increased preponderance across the farmers working on part time basis. These include methods of management implying to apply inputs like fertilizer and water, or for adopting the new technology (Mansourian, 2011).


In addition, several producers will not have the ability of leaving agriculture as there is either a lack of human capital or financial capital. There will be a need for transitioning towards new industries and across urban areas. Contrasting the general international trends in expenses on agriculture related development and research, the cost of research and development in China has risen. Such spending makes key contribution for increasing productivity in agriculture, albeit with certain lags. However, there are several queries in context with managing the respective outcomes and investments with the involvement of several supportive stages of establishment.



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