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“经济学”这个词来源于希腊单词“Oikonomikos”,字面意思是“家庭管理”。家庭管理是一个人在经营家庭时要面对的问题。大多数关注的是满足个人在家庭中的需求,他们的需求和确保提供足够的供应来满足他们的需求(Canto et al, 2014;埃伦伯格和史密斯,2016年)。即使在最基本的解释中,经济学也被定义为资源需求、满足这些需求和稀缺的概念。


经济学的供求方面是唯一的定义方式吗?经济学的定义有四种不同的方式,它们基于财富、物质福利、稀缺性,最后基于以增长为中心的方面(NewPagePub, 1983)。被誉为现代经济学奠基人的亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)将其定义为一项研究,涉及分析一个国家财富背后的本质和原因。人们对财富是如何创造的、财富的性质在商品生产类别等方面有何不同的探究。阿尔弗雷德•马歇尔(Alfred Marshall)对经济学的定义不同于亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)对财富的持续关注。马歇尔将经济学定义为对人在其商业生活中的研究(NewPagePub, 1983)。


The word ‘economics’ derives from the Greek word ‘Oikonomikos’ which literally translates to ‘Home Management’. It is the home management concerns that an individual face when they run their family. Most of the concerns are towards meeting the needs of the individual in their families, their demands and ensuring to present the adequate supply to meet their demands (Canto et al, 2014; Ehrenberg and Smith, 2016). Even in its most basic interpretation, economics is defined with the concepts of resource needs, meeting of those needs and scarcity.


Is the supply and demand aspect of economics the only way to define it? The definition of economics is done in four different ways which are based on wealth, based on material welfare, based on scarcity and finally based on growth centered aspects (NewPagePub, 1983). Adam Smith who is hailed to be the founding father of modern Economics defines it as a study that concerns itself with analyzing the nature and cause behind a nation’s wealth. The inquiry as such was how wealth was created, and how its nature differs based on goods production categories etc. Alfred Marshall’s definition of economics varies from Adam Smith’s subsisting focus on wealth. Marshall defines Economics as a study of man in his business life (NewPagePub, 1983).

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