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撰写这份报告的目的是讨论库克曼面包店产品竞争定位的细节,以及库克曼如何有必要投资于未来的策略以应对竞争。产品定位是Cookieman Bakery的标识,如果它在市场上有强势地位的话。如果它可以依赖于这个位置。在定位的基础上,为产品制定营销策略,使产品更好的到达受众。现在在理解产品定位时,库克曼试图细分消费者。Cookieman的消费者期望有竞争力的价格和良好的质量。他们不希望价格处于低端,因为他们不相信质量或品牌,但他们不想支付高于产品的完全价值。就质量而言,他们期望最好的。




The report is written to discuss the details of the competitive positioning of the products of Cookieman Bakery and how it would be necessary for Cookieman to invest in future strategies to meet competition. Product positioning is how Cookieman Bakery will identify, if it has a strong position in the market. And if it can rely on that position. Based on positioning, marketing strategies would be created for the product, and this would give the product better reach to the audience. Now in understanding product positioning, Cookieman attempts to segment its consumers. Consumers of Cookieman expect competitive pricing and good quality. They don’t expect the price to be at the low end as they would not trust the quality or the brand, but they don’t want to pay higher than the completive value for the product. In terms of quality, they expect the best.

Now some of the other bakery competitors either give high price for their brand with excellent quality or low price with low quality, there is a niche position for Cookieman to provide bakery products with competitive pricing and quality. This target positioning of Cookieman is assessed by means of collecting data on the audience, conducting surveys with them and also by means of collecting data on the sales of competitors.Based on the positioning and the consumer profile, marketing plans are created. Advertising in store and pamphlets, and word of mouth would better serve this consumer. The product also speaks for itself. For any good marketing plan, it is also critical to have some form of evaluation and the same will be present in this case, too. Sales before the implementation of the marketing plan and sales after will be recorded and assessed. A continuous form of assessment and marketing improvement would be implemented.

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