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In order to conduct research for an organization, the most suitable source of data can be considered as desk research, as there will be ready collection, analysis and interpretation of information by other organization. This depicts that no time and money will be wasted to do what has been done by others already.For ensuring the accuracy of the information.This process does not bring the same benefit to every participants. The desk research can be determined by the action of some economic activity sectors and countries and their regions, instead of playing its role everywhere.There are several tools that can be considered for the collection and collation of data that can be categorized as qualitative and quantitative. For certain researches across the organization, there can be use of qualitative tools such as interview, while there can also be use of quantitative tools such as survey.Analysis and collection of data in relation with the past and current performance of the organization is extremely significant for deciding what is being looked for and the questions being considered for answering.

In this manner, one can be successful in meeting the crucial needs.In the general sense, each and every business organization is known for having its own template, but in the typical sense, there is use of graphs and chart. In addition, texts and tables is perceived as a preferable way in majority of the organization as it can be understood with more clarity and speed.The hypothetical research focused on examining the relationship between employee attendance and organizational success. The following hypothesis were set for this purpose. Ability of employee attendance will have a positive relation with the scope of absenteeism attributable with the issues of family. Motivation of attendance will be in negative relation with the scope of absenteeism that can be attributed with illness. Motivation of attending will be having a negative relation with the scope of absenteeism that leads towards failure in the notification for organization.Hypothesis are useful in guiding the establishment of a project of research, while assisting to determine the key directions to be taken and the key queries that have to be answered.

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