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近年来,信息的进步和能力有了一定的发展,科技发挥了关键作用,网络攻击的几率也有所增加。网络攻击也被称为计算机网络攻击。反对者的数据、网络和计算机系统被网络攻击破坏(Nandi, Medal, & Vadlamani, 2016)。人们经常被告知网络攻击的脆弱性,但在此之后,他们也没有采取多少可衡量的措施来消除网络攻击的影响。当病毒进入计算机时,会有一些病毒,这些病毒会破坏由个人或群体传播的计算机网络(Genge, Kiss, & Haller, 2015)。这些人每天都在传播病毒,并大规模传播危险(Manoj & Bhaskari, 2016)。虽然计算机的使用可以增加并提高生产率,但是主要的问题是开发的技术,这些技术非常昂贵,并且它的主要目的是保护计算机不受internet(用于共享信息而不是隐藏信息)的影响。


有各种高价值的目标,例如服务器、网络或路由器,吸引了网络攻击者。在2008年的军事斗争中,有人怀疑俄罗斯政府袭击或鼓励对格鲁吉亚官方网站进行有组织的犯罪袭击。因此,格鲁吉亚被俄罗斯入侵(Tran, Campos-Nanez, Fomin, & Wasek, 2016)。在2009-2010年期间,一个被称为Stuxnet的复杂政府制造了一个蠕虫病毒。有人怀疑伊朗将在其核工厂的帮助下生产武器级的增强铀。因此,为了使伊朗的核电站失效,Stuxnet蠕虫病毒被释放(Ntalampiras, 2016)。据《纽约时报》报道,以色列政府和美国政府设计了Stuxnet蠕虫病毒,这种病毒在全世界互联网上传播的原因是编程错误。一个网络指挥结构由美国国防部创建。这种结构的主要功能是构建防御性和进攻性的网络策略(Genge, Kiss, & Haller, 2015)。网络指挥结构被认为是美国政府的战争计划和战争的组成部分。


In recent years, there has been a development in the progress and capabilities of information, the crucial role has been played by technology, and there has been an increase in the chances of cyber attacks as well. Cyber attacks are also known as computer-network attacks. Data, networks and computer system of opponents are damaged with cyber-attacks (Nandi, Medal, & Vadlamani, 2016). People are regularly told about the vulnerabilities of the danger of cyber attacks but after that they also take no much measureable steps in order to get rid of the effects of cyber attack. There are some viruses when they enter into a computer, which harm the computer network that is spread by individuals or group of individuals (Genge, Kiss, & Haller, 2015). These individuals are spreading the viruses on daily basis and spreading a danger on a large scale (Manoj & Bhaskari, 2016). Although the usage of the computer can be increased and made productive, the main problem that comes are the developed technologies, which are very expensive, and it is used with the main motive of securing computer from internet (which is used to share information instead of hiding information).

There are various high value targets, for example, servers, networks, or routers, toward which the cyber attackers get attracted. In the year 2008, during the military struggle, it has been suspected by some that the government of Russia attacked or encouraged organized crime assaults on the official websites of Georgia. Because of it, Georgia was invaded by Russia (Tran, Campos-Nanez, Fomin, & Wasek, 2016).During the period 2009-2010, a worm was created by a sophisticated government, which was known as Stuxnet. There were some suspicions that arose about the Iran that they are about to make weapons-grade enhanced uranium with the help of their nuclear plant. Therefore, in order to disable the Iranian nuclear plant, Stuxnet worm was loosed (Ntalampiras, 2016). It was published by The New York Times that the government of Israel and the United States of America designed the Stuxnet worm and the reason behind the circulation of this worm around the internet all over the world was programming error. A Cyber Command structure has been created by the American Defense Department. The main function of this structure is to build cyber strategies that are defensive and offensive (Genge, Kiss, & Haller, 2015). The Cyber Command structure has been considered as an integral part of war planning and war making by the government of the United States of America.

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