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在功利主义的观点依赖于行动的后果的情况下,康德的理论是基于行动者的动机。 “绝大多数好行为的目的不是为了世界的利益,而是为了世界的利益组成个人的利益”(歌手,1979年,第118页),当正确解释的时候个人决定也应该普遍适用。在康德理论的背景下,动机应该是允许行为的执行者遵守正义的义务。 “第一绝对命令”或“普遍法”规定,一个人只能以适用于其他人的方式行事。所有人都必须被视为目的而不是手段。康德视角的格言需要一个表述和一个概括。在Tavernise(2014)所讨论的这个特定伦理问题的背景下,可以为个体制定格言:我将接受一个遗传生育程序,在程序将为人类带来更大利益的情况下,促进整个人类福利(或世界的净效用价值)。将道德问题的准则概括化,可以说每个人都会接受遗传的生育程序,为了人类的更大利益,以促进整个人类的福利。

但是,这种泛化可能并不总是可能的。在功利主义的背景下,对自主性的同样关注也可能适用于康德的背景下。 Kim(2013)认为,通过康德,自治被看作是所有道德的源泉(Kim,2013)。个人有权选择对自己孩子有益的事情。另一个人可能不想冒险。


Where the Utilitarian perspective relied on the consequences of the action, the Kantian theory is based on the motivation of the person committing the action. “The great majority of good actions are intended, not for the benefit of the world, but for that of individuals, of which the good of the world is made up” (Singer, 1979, p.118), and when interpreted correctly an individual decision should be universally applicable too. The motivation in the context of the Kantian theory is that it should allow the executor of the action to be in conformance with their righteous duty. The First Categorical Imperative or the Universal law states that a person should only act in a way that can be applicable to everyone else. All persons must be treated as ends and not the means. The maxim in the context of the Kantian perspective requires a formulation and a generalization. In the context of this specific ethical issue that Tavernise (2014) discussed the maxim can be formulated for an individual as: I will accept a genetic fertility procedure in circumstances where the procedure will be for the greater good for humanity in order to promote overall human welfare (or net utility value for the world). Generalizing the maxim for the ethical issue it can be said that everyone will accept genetic fertility procedures, for the greater good of humanity in order to promote overall human welfare.

However, this generalization may not be always possible. The same concern of autonomy that is stated in the context of utilitarianism might be applicable in the context of Kant also. Kim (2013) argues that through Kant, autonomy is seen as the source for all morality (Kim, 2013). An individual’s right to choose what is good for their child would prevail. Another individual might not want to take the risk.

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