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关于Martingale的第一件事是世界上第一家提供短期延伸公司的资产管理公司。主动管理能力是Martingale成为唯一的力量,成为波士顿着名的计量和价值导向管理投资业务。这项管理工作是由Alan Strasssman,William Jacques,Patricia O’Conor和Arnold Wood四人创立的。他们在业务上的成就非常高,因此他们在2008年的早期阶段通过传统股权管理了大约50亿美元。他们赢得了很多利润,还有一大批好客户。通过他们的管理,他们赢得了包括公共或私人养老基金,国家基金和捐赠基金在内的40个机构组织的客户的信任。机构客户之所以在三年内扭转了1250亿美元至3000亿美元的规模,这只不过是他们业务的成功故事之一。



The first thing about Martingale is the first asset management firm in the world who offered short extension firm. Active management ability was the only power for Martingale, which became a famous measurement and value oriented management investment business in Boston. This management had been developed by four people named Alan Strasssman, William Jacques, Patricia O’Conor, and Arnold Wood. Their achievement in business was very high and hence they managed approximately $5 billion through the traditional equity at a very early stage in 2008. They earned profit as well as a long list of good clients. By their management they earned believe from clients of 40 institutional organizations included with public or private pension funds, state funds, and endowment. The reason of institutional client, they had made a turn of $125 billion to $300 billion in three years. This is nothing but only one of the success story in their business.

Once Martingale offered first short extension funds in 2004 and in 2008 they offered four funds based on 130/30. And an amount of $66 billion was involved in the business of Short extension firms. They struggle to push their investment business in the marketplace as in high profile. Fees for short extension for US equities were 60 to 100 bps. They researched a new strategy for stack business and used is low volatility equity. They also researched about their business and found the minimum low volatility strategy for investment. This decision they could take because the management of the organization also was very strong as they invested their brain in researching to find their new and new policies that could be profitable for their business rather than using the common investment policy. Mr. William Jacques has thought about to merge the minimum variance policy with lower volatility investment policy. As he had confidence in the ability of innovative active management like the Martingale. Through the ultimate innovation mentality it has recently moved forward over the last 20-plus years.

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