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支付账单困难 – 当一个企业面临延迟支付账单等问题时,表明该公司面临流动性问题。
经常账户比率 – 通常表示流动性问题的常见比率之一。流动比率越高,表明公司流动性充足就越好。
现金账户比率 – 因为现金比率与流动比率类似,因此包括现金和易于兑换成现金的资产。如果现金比率等于一,则公司缺乏流动性资产。
利润率 – 每个企业都需要长期盈利,如果企业无法获得足够的利润,那么就意味着它面临流动性问题(Hamel,n.d.)。



Liquidity of an asset has been defined as a degree where asset or security can be bought or sold in the securities market and this sale or purchase is done without harming the asset’s price. Liquidity has its own benefits such as investment in liquid assets than the illiquid ones. The liquid assets can be easily converted into cash which include the blue chip and money market securities. The ease and comfort with which financial instruments such as stocks and bonds are converted into ownership is the main essence of liquid assets (Burke, n.d.). Liquidity problems can arise due to the following business factors such as:
Difficulty in paying bills- when a business is facing issues such as late payment of bills then it indicates that the company is facing liquidity problems.
Current account ratio- it is one of the common ratios that usually indicates liquidity problems. The higher the current ratio the better it shows that the company has adequate liquidity.
Cash account ratio- since cash ratio is similar to the current ratio it therefore includes cash and assets that can be easily convertible into cash. If the cash ratio is equal to one then the company is in shortage of liquidity assets.
Profitability- every business needs to make profit in the long run and if a company is unable to earn sufficient profit then it means that it is facing liquidity problems (Hamel, n.d.).

The rise in the security assets and the popularity of securitized products finally led to lesser credit work and standards which fell at loss for the financial institution as well. On monitoring risk and its features it was quite clear that there is urgent need to create proper prices for the borrowers so that refinancing could earn some amount of money for the loan as well.

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