美国论文代写 论文代写




客户行为 – 在线


Consumers Benefits
Internet is the best option for the consumers for buying any product of any organization as per their desires and preferences. It is the easy way of making comparisons in between the products produced by the two companies. Instead of going at retail shop and involves in all purchasing activities it is better and convenient best of all it is a time saver.

Customer behavior- Online
During the past decade, the main research topic of the e-commerce was business interaction between the company and the consumers. The internet left the great impact on the purchasing style of the consumer. They have adopted the online business interactions as compares to others because consumers get more than sufficient information about the products and company’s detail on their websites.
According to the McKinsey and the company, a consumer has a different journey that involves the variant steps those effects on the decisions of the consumers. The model of McKinsey has four stages. These are consumer consideration, evaluation, time of purchase and post the purchase (Court, et al., 2009). It describes that the first consideration in the consumer mind before purchasing is the company Brand name. At the time of purchasing new product consumers looks for existing as well as new brands. In the evaluation step, the consumer makes the comparison in the products produced by the new and existing companies. To purchase the product he sticks on one company and do the purchase. In the post purchase he gives his feedback and opinion about the product, company service etc (Court,et al., 2009).

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