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From the site analysis, the western and eastern boundaries are greatly meeting the topographic creeks and the land parcels are mainly categorized and accommodated by the greater population of the city. The northern and the southern parts of the city are fully covered by population and land with houses and buildings. But still the advantages and the attributes are equal in number to enhance the establishment and creation of compact city in a very peculiar way. Some of the advantages will include the conservation of rural and green areas from the leapfrog development, creation of diverse and mixed neighborhood, encouragement of car-independent communities, increasing the accessibility of community access and activities, and finally pulling out people to live around the transportation hubs.
For the purpose of achieving these advantages, several attributes are enabled, and these attributes will help to determine the boundaries as several new boundary limits, top accommodate the medium and higher density residential areas, to provide integrated public transport in targeted areas, to create mixed land use development, and finally to centralize the community activities around the core areas. In general the compact defines the highly defined efficient public transport system with high density, mixed use dimensions that encourage walking and cycling in main basis of the city. But there are several strategies to build a compact city. In Moreland, more than 68% of the land is being developed as residential areas. So, there are no much commercial zones. The average and approximated values will provide simple fact of Moreland. Residential housing gets 68%, public uses 14%, open spaces will include 8% and the remaining 10% will be for the commercial use. So, in order to face the key challenges, a matrix is given to be provided in the poster, which helps to justify and to formulate the issues and statements of Moreland Municipality. The matrix includes 2 sectors such as Major and Municipality Activity Centers that provides the accurate matrix data for the economic, environmental and social dimension issues. From the clustering analysis, several key challenges have been faced such as the domination of vehicles, public transportation enhancement, termination of tram lines, effective usage of land, development of opaque street interface, and so on. By implementing all the strategic plans and actions, the time frame has been developed and finally the strategic stages of development will help the city of Moreland to get a higher vision towards the enhancement and improvement of quality of life for the citizens for both now and future.

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