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代寫essay -現代工人關聯理論


It has been found that the labour process theory can be used to explain the bargaining power of the labour under modern notion of global capitalism. This theory has been developed a set of interventions and critiques that address the vulnerabilities of both system. Current management strategy of a company is found to be very exploitative. Considering the case of Labour and Monopoly Capital, there is degradation of workers in the modern times. Braver man states that the capitalism leads to this digression of the workers. There is higher level of control by the management in the workers and they leads to the societies and the quality of the worker to becoming degraded in the modern times.
There is disproportionate asset and unequal growth in the societies. This can be viewed in the case of agricultural societies and the example of the growing mechanization of the processes. Apart from the technological differences, financial obstacles also seem to be in play. In the cases of assets being unequal in the communities, there is a need for the communities to address this solution. However, in the case of capitalism, this is not possible or mechanisms to address the gaps are yet to be found.
This issue can be easily circumvented in the case of socialism. The issues of financial assets distribution are found to be similar and hence there are more productivity and the human capital is maintained in this process.
These theories state that communism leads to circumventing of issues in the societies. However, there are also alternative views to these worker ideologies. There has been a number of systems in place.
Communism works only in idealized environment. It does not mean it would translate to good worker ethics. The roots of communist worker ideology states that the worker would work to their full potential at all times. This is a system where all the people in the worker environment function to their fullest potential. In reality, this is not possible. It has been found that there is complacency in the worker. They always do not function to their maximum ability owing to the fact that there is job security. According to the surveys undertaken by the communist states this worker complacency leads to the issues in the society. Hence there are also gaps in the communist ideology (Hassard, Hogan, and Rowlinson, 2001). It simply does not seem to work. The real issues in this system this complacency of many people are handled by few people. Collectivism leads to impeding individual growth and productivity (Fincham, 2005). In this scenario, all the people and the societies fail in the communities.


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