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In the year 2009, the secretary general of UN tend to be highlighting the posed risks for civilians as a result of extremely asymmetric attribute of conflict within situations like in Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan. When fighting against the opponent strength of superior military, the weaker party may seek on compensating for the drawbacks resorted to the methods and sources of war fare under the prohibition through IIHL and that results in undermining the civilians being in protection.
Direct attacks over soft targets like civilian objects and civilians tend to be constituting threat with most evidences towards civilians in many conflicts that are asymmetric in nature. The organizations of humanitarianism also have a major target within these contexts. For the party that is weaker, these types of attack can be considered easier while causing some losses in comparison with attacks on installations or military personnel. Apart from the immediately devastating results, attacks over civilians seem to be having powerful psychological and political effects by the instillation of fear across the entire population of civilians.
In addition to this, they are within the scope of generating significant attention of media, and thus, seem to be having significant effects of multiplier by influencing perception related to the effort of war. For a number of reasons having similarity, taking up hostage that includes capturing the journalists and other personnel of media has started to become extremely frequent. For a number of certain groups, unlawful tactics may also be responsible for forming the preferred military strategy partially for the exploitation of weak points among the enemy.


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