美国代写论文 美国论文代写


本文主要讲的是巴伦西亚游客来源调查,经确认国籍后发现,大多数来巴伦西亚的游客来自拉脱维亚、法国和比利时。分析结果显示,25%的游客来自拉脱维亚,其次是20%的法国游客和15%的比利时游客。其余的国家,包括保加利亚和德国,被确定占总数的40%。根据顾客满意度理论,瓦伦西亚的人文景观、烹饪、文化、天气和活动体验为来自欧洲的游客树立了积极的形象(Oviedo-Garcia et al., 2016)。本篇美国代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The identification of the nationality has revealed that most of the visitors to Valencia are from Latvia, France and Belgium. The analysis of the responses identified that 25 percent visitors were from Latvia, followed by 20 percent visitors from France and 15 percent visitors from Belgium. The remaining nations of Bulgaria and Germany among other nations were identified to make total of 40 percent. According to the customer satisfaction theory, the human landscape, culinary, culture, weather, and events experience of Valencia has developed a positive image due to which the individuals visited from Europe (Oviedo-García et al., 2016).
The 60 percent of participants responded with human landscape, culinary and culture to be the factors and primary motivators behind their visit. It was found that the 40 percent of the remaining participants were in favour of event, natural weather and view along with the business related dealings to be the motivators behind their travel to Valencia.
70 percent of the respondents answered with value 5 for the cultural and dinning experiences of the city to be the motivator behind their visit to Valencia (Molina et al., 2015). It has been identified that there are more than 30,000 students out of which 5000 students are of foreign origin. The innovativeness promoted by the city makes it a preferred destination among the young individuals and entrepreneurs. The 30 percent of the respondents placed value 4 on this question marking it as secondary to the motivation behind the visit.


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