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Leadership is an important construct of organization behaviour. Leader is a person who has the ability to influence a group of people and direct them towards the goals of the organization. Leadership is a dynamic concept. It is influenced by culture. The current report focuses on the influence of gender, diversity and culture on leadership. A leader should have a vision and a goal. The way the vision is expressed varies from culture to culture. Culture is an important determinant of leadership style. A global leader has the following attributions. Effective global leaders are curious and inquisitive. They have a perspective. They view uncertainty as natural. They connect emotionally with people and have personal integrity. They are exceptional business and organizational savvy.
Leadership is an important construct of organizational behaviour. The concept of leadership is dynamic and has under gone change. Earlier leaders were believed to have certain traits and exhibited certain behaviour. Contemporary concept of leadership considers leadership to be a socially constructed process. The contemporary leadership styles are charismatic and transactional. Diversity and gender have implications for leadership. Leadership is thought to be gendered. Women and men have small but significant differences in their leadership styles. GLOBE project studied the influence of culture on leadership. It studied employees from over 62 countries. The findings of the GLOBE are discussed in the report.


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