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In the present times, innovation has been the primary and the most important concept for the industries. Be it a product based company or the service based company, innovation management forms to be the most important part for any company. Each and every day, the companies are coming up with new and innovative products. Then in the present world, innovation forms to be the most important part for any company. It is the innovation which works more than any other things. Thereby, in the present times, the companies give a lot of significance to the innovation management. It is the need for the present industry to create something new, something that appeals the audience, something that makes them connected to the company and something that ensures a strong market for them. Thus, innovation management is a very important concept in the present times.
In this research paper, the focus will be done on the innovation management in one of the most innovative company in the world i.e. Google Inc. The theories related to the administration and innovation will be discussed in detail and how can the theories of administration are implacable in the companies. Google is one of the best companies for the employees that care for its employees similar to family members. Dealing with the internet related services and products such as search engine, SEO, cloud computing and other software. Each and every employee who works in Google Inc. praises the same for the employer friendly environment at Google. The company consists of the group of people who are from different nations and belong to different background. Be it the perks or the facilities, Google is unmatched. The provision of a swimming pool, the fitness center and a number of other facilities ensure a healthy environment for the employees. The total number of employees in Google is around 48000.


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