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In this analysis, the Rockpool Bar & Grill Sydney is probed. It is situated at the meeting corner of Hunter and Bligh Streets. These are established and have a number of culinary features that encompasse the eclectic elegance of the restaurant space. Critical analysis of the services of the restaurant and related recommendations based on the theoretical framework has been explored in the following section.This is one of Sydney’s finest restaurants. The company needs not really adhere to any major changes. There are certain changes that can be incorporated to make the restaurant service even better. There should be more price differentiation to bring in more consumers.
Patronage for the product must be developed more. The marketing communications are currently limited. The awareness of this restaurant can be even more prominent in the current times (Luthans, Avolio, and Youssef-Morgan, 2015)
They take care of consumers and treat them well. The staffs are attentive and have extensive knowledge about the wine list and the food service rendering. They only need to maintain the standard of care (Mok, Sparks and Kadampully, 2013).
The restaurant can incorporate more modern neutral colours to increase the youthfulness of the place.
Loyalty programs can be incorporated into the restaurant design. These can make the customers feel even more welcome (Stevenson, 2005 ).
The restaurant has impeccable service. There is nothing to really improve. They can make these small changes and ensure that the standard or care is maintained in the system. This can improve the consumer patronage.
It can be concluded that Rockpool Bar & Grill Sydney at the corner of Hunter and Bligh Streets is one of the finest establishments that offer the consumers with a unique and satisfying experience. The culinary dexterity is evident in this process. The service staffs are very attentive and the menu was near perfect. The portion size of the food and the wine list prices can be more differentiated. The company needs to ensure that these are maintained. They can introduce these aspects if they want to develop consumer base. These were the important allusions that have been made from this research.

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