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Baby boomers were born in the time periods of 1945 and 1965. The form of preference they have will be an extension of the purchase power that they have when they retire. The form of technology useful for making choices was more. Millennials are usually settled by this time into their career and so financial influences are slack. However, the Baby boomers have lived in more scrunched economic times and hence are very money savvy. They are more traditional, believe in old values and are committed to society hard work and more. They are usually less impulsive and would make careful calculated purchases. Now in the case of the baby boomers, the hospitality industry’s preparation must focus on these things.
“This generation deserves our attention and hotels must create special campaigns for them. Baby Boomers often choose well-known brands as they tend to make conservative choices. They take into account the fact that there is always a ‘real’ person available behind the line; they use to call the hotel and talk to someone to get information” (Jaume, 2015, para. 8). This helps them feel more secure. They associated safety in experiences to live people in such situations. This issue of safety becomes an issue of paramount importance otherwise too, as it is observed that different consumer segments wants to address safety concerns from a more directed point of view.
The aim of the research is critical discuss by means of primary research interviews and existing research data, the differences in consumer expectations from the hospitality industry, with focus on the generations millennials and the baby boomers.
The objectives of the research are:
To assess how value can be created for the services of the hospitality segment and how it would be possible to develop unique value proposition for both the generations in order to bring in more tourist
To understand the consistencies and differences of the generational travellers for marketing purposes
To understand and promote the role of technology when it comes to the generational travellers.


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