美国代写论文 美国论文代写

代寫論文 價格-地域爭端

本文的主要內容講的是地域爭端,東盟奉行不干涉和不強制執行原則。因此,為了貫徹上述原則,東盟必須按照TAC的要求,就任何可能的實施達成成員國的共識。但東盟要想讓所有成員國都達成共識,卻面臨著艱難的時刻。為了加強東盟並利用其在區域事務上的援助,所有國家都需要相互理解與合作(Broinowski, 1982)。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

ASEAN works on non-intervention and unforceful implementation principle. Therefore to carry out the above mentioned principles, as per TAC, ASEAN is bound to get consensus of the member countries for any potential implementation. But ASEAN encounters tough time in getting all the members to a point. To strengthen ASEAN and to avail its assistance on regional matters, all countries need to work with mutual understanding and cooperation (Broinowski, 1982).
If ASEAN continually fails in resolving the dispute its credibility will be affected for future concerns. Therefore ASEAN is engaged in untiring efforts in every region of Southeast Asia to assure peace and mutual respect towards each other. ASEAN is trying to create mutual understanding among the members so that a peaceful and sustainable economic and political regionalism may be achieved.
The Southeast Asia is a significant region in Asia Pacific. This region holds great importance economically and politically. Apparently, Southeast Asia is a quiet region of the world however it contributes largely in the world’s economy. Southeast Asian countries are rich in various resources which makes it potential member in world’s trade. However it is under persistent intra-region conflicts since ages. There are political and economic tensions among the countries of the region which includePreahViheartemple dispute, water dispute between Malaysia and Singapore, Myanmar and Thailand refugees’ dispute, South China Sea dispute, hydropower plant dispute, Ambalat block dispute and certain other small scale intra-region disputes.
The peace processes in order to counter the existing conflicts are under consideration and implementation by governing authorities (Secretariat, A.S.E.A.N., 2009). However armed groups intervention differing preferences of the countries in the region make the peace process more complex and hard to achieve. The major reasons behind these conflicts apart from political biasness are; ethnic, religious and cultural discrimination, poor development rate and colonial domination. The weaken position of ASEAN, as its principles lie on consensus policy, and make the situation more difficult for peace-building in the region. Because the countries are busy in their conflicts rather gathering at some point of mutual interest. However, the recent positive advancements in Myanmar and Philippines peace-building process bring a hope for the regional sustainability and peace.

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