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本文主要讲的是长期取向和建议,这可以定义为社会对模糊性条件的容忍。在游戏中,有很多不确定性。同样的一个例子是,任何一支球队都可能输赢,任何一名球员都可能受伤或发生许多意想不到的事情。在这种情况下,球员应该确保他们也必须支持其他球队。遇到这种情况的团队不应该采取消极的态度,而其他团队应该为他们提供支持(Trompenaars & Turner, 2011)。应该对不同的行为和观念进行适当的管理,这有助于保持避免文化差异的强烈需要。本篇assignment代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

This can be defined as the tolerance of the society towards the conditions of ambiguity. In a game, there are many uncertainties. An example of the same is that any team can win or lose, any player can get injured or many unexpected things happen. Under these conditions, the players should ensure that they have to support the other teams as well. The teams who fall to such conditions should not act in a negative manner while the other teams should raise a support for them (Trompenaars & Turner, 2011). There should be the proper management of the different behaviors and ideas which can be helpful in maintaining the strong need for avoiding culture divide.
It is important to have the long term orientation. This is considered to be important and a great amount of respect is given to the one who focuses more and more on attitude and actions and perseverance in working. Each and every team has some or the other challenges. It is important that the teams should honor the traditions and the culture of other teams irrespective of their past.
PMO can address to the culture divide if few things are incorporated in the effective manner. It is true that each and every player and the team should respect their culture and works in collaboration with one another. Cultural differences are required to be minimized by implementing such a work environment where the teams support the culture of one another. There should be a proper multicultural training for each and every member. Every team should ensure that their players are provided with the proper training and they should be able to manage each and every conflict in an effective manner. In case of any cultural conflict, the PMO needs to ensure that the different teams should understand the cultural perceptions of the other teams, each and every team should learn how the problem can be handled in an effective manner and how can the conflict be resolved (Zhang & Wang, 2001). It may sometimes prove to be a challenge to resolve the conflict but it can be done with the help of developing proper values in the organization. When the teams will learn about other teams and their cultures, the cultural divide can be abolished. This can be done because of the knowledge which is obtained in the training programs. There are some of the very important aspects related to the cultural education. The PMO should work to develop cultural awareness amongst different members so as to ensure that there is a broader knowledge of values and the beliefs in other cultures. The prism of cultural stereotypes should be broken. It may happen at times that the organizational culture may reflect the norms of a specific culture. PMO should ensure that it is not working in such a manner that it is able to fulfill the desires of only the one culture.


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