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The two countries taken up for comparison are China and Pakistan. While there may be several similarities in economic levels but there are stark contrasts in the human capital. The utilization of human resources differs in both. While on the one hand, the Chinese economy has been segregated in a manner that caters to the low prices, middle level pricing and the high value products, the production houses that are controlling the output of these different levels of products are more tuned into the requirements of their clientele (Bosworth, and Collins, 2003). Thus, it was possible for taking up low value products that could be bought at low values for the low income groups as well as the high income groups, while the former used these products and revelled in the thought that they could afford such items.
On the other hand, the high income groups liked the thought of picking up cheap gifts as souvenirs for mass distribution (Ramlall, 2003). There was aware of new terminology available like, “use and throw” or “one time use only” which began to be attached to the shallow thinking and processing of such production houses.
The second level of products catered to the needs of the indigenous population. The inhabitants of China are totally dependent upon these types of products. The third types of products are directed at the high income bracket. The high value, luxury goods are directed for sale towards the higher income groups (Bosworth, and Collins, 2003).
Many of these luxury goods are made by age-old, traditional craftsmen and have a tremendous appeal globally (Cascio, 2007). From paintings to air planes, the expensive high value Chinese products have lasting appeal the world over. No doubt, at some levels, this form of segregation of various levels of production promotes the success of the production line on a large scale.
Pakistan, on the other hand, has not exploited to its fullest capacity in terms of product and sale of goods (Abosetegn, 2000). Many of the products are indeed of high value and high economic appeal like carpentry, raw materials, spices etc. The Pakistan Human Capital has instead excelled largely in the services and administrative sectors of the economy. While the product houses seem to work a missionary zeal (Abbas, 2001).

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