









What research methods do you intend to use?

Some researchers use only one research method for conducting the study based on the requirement of the research. For achieving best results, it is recommended to use the mixture of qualitative and quantitative research method. Qualitative and quantitative both methods will be used because mixture of both methods can help in getting in depth analysis. Interviews and surveys will be conducted from the target respondents. Both types of information will be generated in this manner and this information will give detailed analysis. Researcher will analyze the situation deeply with the help of both these methods. With the mixture of both research types, this study will give an in depth look helping the researcher to explore the insights.

What primary and/or secondary data sources do you intend to use?

Primary sources will be in the form of interview and survey responses. Respondents will give their insights about the topic and the researcher will have the chance to use these responses in the best possible manner. Secondary sources used in the study will be in the form of reports, journal articles, newspaper articles and books. All the secondary resources detailing about the topic will provide some useful insights for the topic. Journal articles and books will be first preference for the secondary data. Websites, on the other hand, will be given importance because some of the information is only available on the site of the company.

Please provide draft chapter headings for your report

The draft for headings is based on the rough estimation for the future heading. Headings can change once the study has been conducted based on the requirement of the research.

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