





本文还关注了印度的政治。印度是联邦政府直接管理29个州和7个联邦领地的国家。联邦议会和州议会有立法权。联邦议会有两个议院,即参议院和众议院。,上院也被称为rajya Sabha,下院也被称为lok Sabha。在印度,年满18岁的人可以投票选举他们的领导人。印度有6个全国性政党和40多个地区性政党。印度存在一个政治不稳定的问题。


This paper emphasizes on overall profile of India of the year 2015. India is a country which has world’s second largest population. By the 1990s, India was among the poor countries because of the poor economic policies made by our government. Economic reforms adopted by India, which came in the year 1991, had helped tremendously for the economic development and improved the condition of our country. After that the economic policies of India kept improving and helped in the economic growth of the country. It has been taken as a potential rival to China.

Now there are many chances for India to flourish and develop and high expectations are from the government of Narendra Modi. This paper has also emphasized on the history of India. It has been believed by most of the scholars that Dravidian stocks were the population of Indus Valley civilization. During 1800, BCE in the northern India Indo-Aryan tribe started settling.

The concept of Hinduism started from there and the language spoken by them was Sanskrit. It also focuses on the British rule on India. What were the policies used by them which made them rule India for approx. 200 years. In addition, what were the policies and tactics used the national leaders and freedom fighters of India helped India to gain independence from British rule.

This paper has also focused on the politics of India. India is country where federal government directly rules 29 states and 7 Union Territories. Federal parliament and the state parliament have legislative power. There are two houses in the federal parliament i.e., upper house also known as rajya Sabha and lower house also known as lok Sabha. In India, those who are above the age of 18 years are allowed to vote for their leader. There are 6 national parties and more than 40 regional parties in India. There is a problem of political instability in India.

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