


今天的互聯網已經成爲現代生活方式中不可避免的罪惡。如今,社交媒體的浪潮已經席捲了每一個人。最近,教皇方濟各(Pope Francis)加入了Instagram,這是一個社交媒體網站,讓他的追隨者隨時更新。一方面,互聯網是保持聯繫、獲取信息和更新信息的好方法,但另一方面,它實際上已經成爲自我放逐。我們花在互聯網上的時間越多,我們在現實世界中失去的就越多。慢慢地,人類開始忘記欣賞大自然、大地、友誼和社交聚會的美麗。互聯網已經改變了今天的思維方式。我們花在互聯網上的時間取決於我們對科技的上癮程度。網絡成癮是一個非常新的領域,我希望藉此機會深入研究這個問題,瞭解我們是如何深受這一現象的影響。本文討論了網絡成癮診斷的併發症、不良後果、正確評估的規則、引起病態網絡開始的誘因的識別以及可能的康復策略。



然而,精神病學領域的作者和學者認爲網絡成癮是人類面臨的一個迫在眉睫的威脅。根據一些研究者的研究,網絡成癮很可能是一種藥物和酒精成癮(Shaw & Black, 2008, pp. 354)。網絡成癮是一種潛在疾病的表現形式,還是一種單獨的疾病實體,這仍然是一個有爭議的問題。但是由於網絡成癮案例的增加,有必要進行具體的研究。

它也可以被認爲是一種心理依賴,就像強迫性暴飲暴食和賭博一樣(Young, 1998,第9頁)。一些研究人員還認爲,過度使用互聯網是一種人格障礙,與抑鬱症有關。它被認爲是抑鬱症的次要表現。沉迷於網絡的人很可能會將此作爲一種“自我安慰”的措施。這樣的人試圖避免與這些核心障礙相關的人際不適(Pies, 2009)。


The internet today has become an unavoidable evil of modern lifestyle. The wave of social media has encompassed everyone today. Recently Pope Francis joined the Instagram, a social media website to keep his followers updated. On one hand the internet is a great way to stay connected, informed and updated, while on the other hand it has become a virtual self-imposed exile. The more time we spend on internet the more we lose on the real world surroundings. Slowly human beings are forgetting to appreciate the beauty of nature, earth, friendship and social gatherings. Internet has changed the very way of thinking today. The time we spend on internet depends on our addiction level with the technology. The field of Internet Addiction is very new and I seek this as an opportunity to delve into the subject and understand how deeply we are affected by this phenomenon. In this essay I have discussed the Complications of diagnosis of Internet addiction is discussed, its negative consequences, rules of proper assess, identification of triggers causing beginning of pathological Internet and possible recovery strategies.

Is Internet actually addictive

To understand whether excessive use of the internet is a form of addiction, we must first know the meaning of addiction. Simply stating, addiction is a strong and detrimental need to repeatedly do something like gambling or consume something, like food, drug or alcohol. Generally an addicted person clearly knows that he is doing harm to himself but is not able to control the urge of doing or eating what he is addicted to. Addictions are mental disorders and beyond the simple habitual behavior. To cope with these kinds of mental diseases there are several therapies, medicines as well as counseling available all across the world. However, when we talk about internet addiction, the practitioners of addiction counseling are not confident to categorize it as a mental disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, an update to the American Psychiatric Association’s Manual, has not made included the internet addiction as mental disorder.

Nevertheless, the authors and scholars in the field of psychiatry are considering the internet addiction as a looming threat on the mankind. According to some investigators, the Internet addiction is likely to be the disorder in the category of addiction to drugs and alcohol (Shaw & Black, 2008, pp. 354). It is still a matter of debate, whether internet addiction is a representation of manifestation of an underlying disorder or whether it is an individual disease entity. But due to increase in number of cases of internet addiction, it is imperative that concrete studies should be done.

It can also be acknowledged as psychological dependency, much like compulsive overeating and gambling (Young, 1998, pp.9). Some researchers also argue that excessive use of internet is a personality disorder and related to depression. It is believed to be secondary manifestation of depression. Person addicted to internet is likely to adapt this as a “self soothing” measure. Such a person attempts to avoid interpersonal discomfort linked with these core disorders (Pies, 2009).

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