




本案例研究的情境情境是因果餐厅。研究对象主要为20 – 25岁的大学生。学生们积极参与交流。在这个分析中,有关于资本主义的讨论,一个由Micheal Moore写的爱情故事。这是有趣的,因为人们在非正式场合讲话时充满激情。





The signpost for this work has been elucidated in detail in the following. Initially there will be discussion of the academic theory and its models. The actual variable considered and the scope of the theoretical models will be initially explained. These model involved in communication will be used as a formula to dissect into the documentary film and the audience reception. For the purpose of the case study analysis there will be analysis of a particular transcript of speech in a restaurant setting.

Case study of discourse

Situational context for this case study is the causal restaurant. The participants of the research were primarily college students aged from 20 to 25. The students were engaged in active communication. There was discussion about Capitalism a Love story by Micheal Moore in this analysis. This was of interest because of the passion with which the people spoke in a casual setting.

Based on the conversational analysis concept, this is casual conversation between peers. There was turn taking model developed gradually. Since it was more than two people involved in the conversation the conversation was not a binary communication between two people. It was based on the multi-party analysis. It was observed during this conversation that the people followed the non-verbal cues. It can be seen when Tom walks towards the table, everyone chimes in to welcome Tom and Brandy talks about her dull day. Gizelle immediately chimes in to discuss about the documentary based on capitalism. This is followed by Jessica then Smith. This shows the obvious turn taking model that followed in the conversation.

The topic of discussion was based on the capitalism. Critical discussions and views about capitalism were exchanged between the people. It was found that in this conversation that the people each took turns naturally to speak for or against the notions of capitalism. These notions of capitalism were found to be a heated debate between the people.

When having discussion with people who have opposing views basic empathy and sensitivity, it needs to be observed by the participants. The notions of sensitivity is maintaining the ethical code of conduct and maintaining respect while taking to the other all while maintaining the different stances taken by the people. Debate in academic context is the exchange of views and discussion about the different perspectives. One of the most important aspects was that the participants were aware of the different stances of the people. There were importance and due respect given to the opposing views in the group. There was importance given to sensitivity and empathy of each of the views.

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