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从法医学领域所面临的进步、可怕的资源需求和各种各样的挑战可以明显看出,我认为这是聪明、好奇的头脑最有前途的研究领域之一。通过旨在打破司法/犯罪现场法医检验与纯科学法医研究之间的差距的有系统的培训,专家可以最大限度地利用这一研究领域的潜力。美国司法部(US Department of Justice)已编写了一套详细的文件(PCAST 136),这标志着司法科学在证言和报告语言标准化方面迈出了一大步。美国司法部于2016年7月21日提出的最新指导方针考虑了有关DNA、头发等法医检验的最新科学数据。然而,这些都不是全面的,并允许大量的经验错误发生。


国际鉴定协会(IAI)不仅在法医科学的7个学科中颁发了该国最高的认证项目,还宣布了《法医鉴定杂志》(NAS 76)的诞生。美国法医学科学院(American Academy of Forensic Sciences)一直在不懈地努力提高法医学研究的标准,确保这些学位课程不仅以科学为基础,而且与犯罪现场和诉讼相关联(NAS 223)。此外,SWGFAST(摩擦脊分析、研究和技术科学工作组(NAS 137)的简称)正在发挥重要作用。


As is evident by the advancement, dire resource-requirements and spectrum of challenges facing the Forensic Sciences Community, I believe this is one of the most promising fields of study for bright, inquisitive minds. With methodical training that aims at breaching the gap between the forensic testing for legal justice/crime scenes, and purely scientific forensic studies, experts can tap into the potential of this realm of study, to the fullest.Taking a leap ahead to standardize the language of Forensic Sciences for Testimony and Reports, the US Department of Justice has compiled a detailed set of documents (PCAST 136). The latest guidelines proposed by the DOJ on 21 July, 2016 have taken into account the latest scientific data pertaining to forensic tests for DNA, hair and so on. Yet these are not holistic, and allow room for a wide range of empirical errors to occur.


In addition to meting out the country’s top certification programs in the 7 disciplines of Forensic Sciences, the International Association for Identification (IAI) has also heralded the Journal of Forensic Identification (NAS 76). The American Academy of Forensic Sciences has been relentlessly working towards elevating the standard of Forensic Science Studies, ensuring that the degree programs are not just science-based but coherent with crime scenes and litigation (NAS 223). Additionally, a sizeable role is being played by SWGFAST, short for Scientific Working Group on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study and Technology (NAS 137).

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