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目前,该行业具备生产微处理器的能力,在拇指大小的芯片下有强大的集成电路。这些产品在为消费者提供电子产品时价格极低。硅的制造因其在规模经济和先进技术下的最大的壮观的汇合而闻名(Chrostowski和Hochberg, 2015)。选择硅的一个关键动机是可用的高质量绝缘子硅片。这为平面波导电路的创建提供了一个理想的平台。通过SiO2和硅之间的高折射率的对比,提供了强大的光约束,使得在纳米级的光子器件可以扩展。


对于真正兼容集成电路的处理,垂直和横向尺寸是一个至关重要的要求。进一步来说,由于指数对比度较大,光强的升高,使得我们能够观察到芯片级器件中克尔和拉曼效应等非线性光学相互作用(Poon, 2015)。考虑到一种特殊的乐观情绪,光子晶体纤维还有其他的应用,如高色散元素作为空心芯纤维。可以用一些光学活性液体和气体填充致密的空腔。因此,更有可能的是,硅的光子晶体器件将在提供传统集成光学器件无法实现的功能方面发挥重要作用。


Currently, the industry has the ability of producing microprocessors with a number of components having strong integration under a thumb size chip. These are offered at extremely low price while appearing in electronics for consumers. The manufacturing of silicon is known for representing maximum spectacular convergence under economies of scale and sophistication of technology (Chrostowski and Hochberg, 2015). One key motivation to choose silicon is the available silicon-on-insulator wafers in high quality. This presents an ideal platform for the creation of circuits with planar waveguide. The strong offer of optical confinement through the contrast of high index between SiO2 and silicon enables scaling photonic devices at the level of nanometers.

There is a crucial requirement of vertical and lateral dimension for truly compatible processing of IC. Further ahead, the high rise of optical intensity from the large contrast of index enables the observation of non-linear optical interactions like Kerr and Raman effects in the devices of chip-scale (Poon, 2015). Considering a specific note of optimism, there are other applications of photonic crystal fibres like elements of high dispersion as hollow core fibres. There can be filling of compact cavities with a number of optically active liquids and gasses. Hence, there are more chances that a photonic crystal device of silicon will have an important role to provide functions that cannot be performed by optical devices with traditional integration.

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