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本文选取的项目商业案例是Hedland港的保障性住房。可负担住房项目的主要成果将是在18个月期间包括至少400个床位,并为黑德兰港的基本服务人员进行具体设计和建造。该项目的独特性在于利用结构化的公共私人合伙关系,在考虑名义成本和风险的情况下,在整个地区交付最大价值。住房是参照物质过程和关键成就的产物来考虑的(Baroudi和Rapp, 2013)。人们根据房屋的性能对其进行感知,其有效性随所提供的卫生和舒适程度而变化。


住房内人员的重要意义不在于住房是否符合市政府的法律规定,而在于个人最终在住房内居住并在特定社区内被接受。住房也指隐私,表达一个人的生活方式,维持社会文化关系和愿望(Silva, 2015)。结合这些因素,关于住房开发项目管理标准有大量文献。本文将重点对所选取的商业案例进行评估,并参考有关住房开发项目管理问题的文献综述。重点将放在项目经理在此上下文中的角色上。


The project business case selected for the purpose of this essay is that of affordable housing in Port Hedland. The key outcome proposed for the project of affordable housing will be to include at least 400 beds in the period of 18 months, with specific designing and constructing for essential workers of services in the Town of Port Hedland. The uniqueness of the project lies in utilizing structured public private partnership for the delivery of maximum value across the area considering nominal cost and risk. Housing is considered from the reference of both the physical process and product of the key attainment (Baroudi and Rapp, 2013). There is perceiving of housing in accordance with its performance and there is variation in its usefulness with the level of hygiene and comfort provided.

The significant of personnel within housing can be identified not when housing is in compliance with municipality in terms of laws, but when individuals end up living in it and are acceptable within a specific community. Housing is also referred to privacy and expresses one’s way of living life, maintaining social cultural relationships and aspirations (Silva, 2015). In reference with these factors, there is vast literature on standards of project management in the development of housing. This essay will focus on conducting an evaluation of the business case selected in reference with the literature review provided on the issue of project management in housing development. The key focus will be on role of project manager in this context.

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