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Creation of innovative ideas within an organization is essential as it promotes an environment of providing novel thoughts and ideas, letting the organization to earn advantage in market by amplifying the void between the competitors and the organizations. Therefore, knowledge acquired through innovation is an essential element in an organization’s management of knowledge strategies.
Nowadays, the progression and suitability of social multimedia, generates a platform for employees in order to contribute their innovative ideas with ease, better hyped probabilities and negligible charging fees. These social interactions generate a platform of sharing knowledge that reduces the space among employees and managers in an organization. The sharing of new and innovative ideas by employees on social multimedia builds a learning innovation set-up that persuades them to apply it for benefitting the organization.
The social culture tools, profits both the organization along with its employees in order to enhance communication, they help in team building and also develops the capability to be vigilant of the dynamic market place. Hence, it becomes crucial for any organization to recognize the novel external information and put into practice its further improvement. Thus, the organization’s absorptive capacity will boost and further enhance the organization’s innovative potentialities. If the organization fails to do so, it would lead to failure of competitive spirit and employees would distinguish themselves from competitors who can identify the competitive spirit.

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