




This thesis explores the concept of ‘bio-politics’ in terms of urban city architecture. The idea is traced via its initial Foucauldian formula to latest explorations of the connection between the bodies with the city. We discover the concept via the materialization of discourses on public health, cleanliness, as well as various formations of city order. We locate that the bio-political dynamics of metropolitan space include both juridical as well as dispersed sources of influence in modern cultures. It is concluded that active formations of power in urban architecture should gauge those disseminate sources of power that allow the urban life to function despite its inconsistent characteristics.
Moreover, Foucault, as he himself all together put it, is attempting to tackle the issue of just how people are subjected through strategies of control (Foucault, 2007). This challenge is focused around two sets of relations: that of power as well as those of know-how and also in this outline, bio-power is personified in regulative methods by which human life could be tweaked. I will suggest that this prospect is also conceptual and restricted by very useful solutions.
The rising focus of bio-political power is as a result concentrated on specific individuals and populations, to make sure that the policy of the contemporary subject should be linked with the critical demands of the nation state. For that reason, a complex interaction in between the health of the ‘body politic’ as well as the related discourses of militarism, nationalism as well as colonialism which turns out to be reflected in a nexus of ethological implementation culminating in the socio-biological grounds of geo-political control. What remains uncertain that how political materializations of power first started to gain rule over the body as well as consequently evolve right into the juridical and the institutional structures of the established state (Oksala, 2005).

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