


我们可以看出从上面的最后一个交易价格是243.75便士最后关闭是244.3便士。相比,这是相当低的价格获得最高的公司的股票在过去1 yr.相比,当前交易价格是52周高位低21.875%。这是一个极端的市场情绪波动和金融公司的命运似乎摇摆太多过去从不利的市场条件。52周低点164.8,几乎是47%低于股票取得的高点。这是一个极端的市场价格波动而不是指向一个好和稳定的财务业绩(伯帝镇始建,2012)。

特易购公司的每股收益在2014年增加了23%,但全年股息仍然是一样的。股息收益率显示略有增加的股息收益率水平从4%降至4.4%,股票价格在去年最后一个季度大幅下降。尽管操作利润显示巨大的发展前景,有各种报告关于谎报供应商折扣该公司管理的用于增加收入几年(ATRILL &埃迪,2012)。因为这些不良报告,然后由公司内部查询审计与国际审计事务所德勤的断言,声称是正确的——股价下跌。乐购似乎正在努力应对危机和股票市场考虑这些问题和价格下降了超过47%在过去的1年。但知道,特易购及其记录这可能是一个好的迹象因为特易购是一个长期的投资选择。价格很低——记住投资是明智的长期前景。


As we can see from the above the last trading price is 243.75P and the last closing is 244.3p. This is quite low in comparison to the highest price attained by the firm’s stock in the last 1 yr. in comparison to the 52 week high the current trading price is being trading at 21.875% lower. This is an extreme fluctuation on the part of the market sentiment and it seems the financial fortunes of the firm are swinging too much from adverse market conditions in the past. The 52 week low is 164.8 which are almost 47% lower than the high point the stock has achieved. This is an extreme price swing in the market and not pointing towards a good and stable financial performance (Bodie, 2012).

The EPS of the Tesco Plc have increased in 2014 by 23% year on year but the dividend for the year has remained the same. Dividend yield have shown a slight increase in the level of its dividend yield from 4% to 4.4% as the stock prices has reduced considerably in the last quarter. Even though the operational profits have shown tremendous growth prospects, there have been various reports regarding misreporting of supplier discounts which the company management has used to inflate the revenue for a few years (ATRILL & EDDIE, 2012). Because of these adverse reports and then an internal enquiry by the company auditor and international audit firm Deloitte which asserted that the claim was actually correct – the share prices tumbled. It seems that Tesco is struggling to deal with the crisis and stock markets took into consideration these problems and prices went down by over 47% in the last 1 year. But knowing Tesco and its track record this might be a good sign to invest since Tesco is a long term bet. As the Prices are low – it is advisable to invest keeping in mind a long term prospect.

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